Who are YOU wearing ?

Hello! Lovely people.. How you doing ? 

“It’s not about brand, it’s about your style.”


Non branded clothes are always underestimated,aren’t they? Well, my this blog post is all about letting people know that non branded clothes have got lot of potential and if they are worn properly they can make you a standout amongst the crowd. 

Street shopping, my friends, is a religion. And every girl who has ever bought a mind-blowing dress for under Rs. 500 after bargaining with the shopkeeper in full “paisa bachao” mode knows the level of satisfaction that a good thrift shopping gives. The very first question that I know would come to your mind is ‘We don’t have anything like Sarojini Market in the city?’ But I’m damn sure your city shall surely have s local market which you haven’t explored yet and if you are reading this why don’t you go and explore the market ? Definitely you will find one or two things which would be useful and would work for you. 
My Styling: I have styled this jumpsuit which I got from Sarojini Market few months back when I visited Delhi. I bargained and bought it just for 200 INR (which I know you can’t believe). I have focused on acessoring it with a belt which I got from Stalkbuylove , earrings are from Voylla and bag is from Koovs.

The points which I think you should keep in mind while exploring the local market are:

1. Double check!

Before falling for that pretty dress and getting it packed within three seconds, take a pause. Wondering why? To double check your precious buy! More than often the shopkeepers trick with customers by hurriedly misplacing the bought piece with another or packing a defective piece. Always carefully go through all that you have bought and supervise when he packs. This will save you from shopping-regrets later on.

2. Unveil the Bargain Queen in you!

Bargaining is one art which some of us have in us, some don’t while others just need some practice. If you feel hesitation in bargaining try with smaller margins and in few trials you will see yourself excelling in this art. This market is really a fun place to go with friends. A quick tip: If want to be a pro at bargaining, always have your best friends by your side and see the magic of shopkeeper giving up to your whims. So go ladies unleash the talent

3. Don’t make a list

Surprised? Yes you read it right. Do not bother yourself by making a long list that you need to buy because you’d anyway end up buying things that you will love there and they were never on the list. Going with a targeted list will take away the charm of buying a exquisite thing that you never expected to get anywhere but found here. Yes darlings, such is the variety! This market never ceases to surprise you with what it can offer.

4. Explorers are best shoppers

It is okay to feel impulsive when you find your favourite dress with a crazily inexpensive price tag but it is highly recommended that first just choose and walk through without loosing your heart to every third stall. Once you had a good look across all the displayed stalls, go back to what really caught your attention. This is a fool-proof way to buy good stuff without the fear of regretting later, because your mind will only retain the things which you saw and really loved. Who says shopping doesn’t need mind!

          Photographed by: Saumya Singh

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